Our little film buffs made a wonderful stop frame lego animation yesterday at the Kids film lounge yesterday.
Thank you to fellow Scribble Vanessa for the stage set and Kevin for creating the animation and out new hosts Centre17.
News for 2024
Anything that I think you need to know about. I’ll put it right here.
Scribble and Smudge’s news and musings.
Our little film buffs made a wonderful stop frame lego animation yesterday at the Kids film lounge yesterday.
Thank you to fellow Scribble Vanessa for the stage set and Kevin for creating the animation and out new hosts Centre17.
By the time Sunday came around we were hearing tales of vinyl being listened to at home. I hope you all could enjoy your records when you got home, thanks to http://www.crazybeat.co.uk/
I have a zoetropes video that Lucy made at the Kids Film Lounge too.
Many thanks to all who came and took part in Everyone's a spinner baby and the Zoetrope wrokshop. Your albums were truly a piece of art. Your zoetrope animations were a delight to see. Enjoy the photos and videos.
We are looking forward to taking part in this years Garden party. Scribble and Smudge are in two areas, 'Everyone's a spinner baby' will be in a tent nearby The William Morris Garden, just passed the Useful and Beautiful Marquee to the left of The William Morris Gallery. Also with our friends The Stow Film Lounge, with a Zoetrope workshop, at The Winns Gallery, nearby the children's playground.
'Everyones a spinner baby' is open 12 til 5.30, Free, both days. spinning turntables to make artistic record albums. We have taken inspiration form the greatest album cover, ever, yes I said it, Sgt Pepper's lonely Hearts Club Band made by the gracious Peter Blake. Peter Blake taught in our local Walthamstow art school in the 1960's.
I have a pile of Vinyl records to decorate and give away. Thanks to the wonderful Gary Dennis at Crazy Beat records. I am eternally grateful for his kindness. We hope when you come to our workshop you will enjoy the vinyl as much as we have.
Zoetrope workshop is open 1 til 3 pm, Free, both days. make your strip of animation and watch how your drawings come to life on a zoetrope. The Stow film Lounge are celebrating 'KIds on film' throughout the Festival. see here for details of all other film activities. http://www.stowfilmlounge.com/?p=1679
NEWS FLASH! The line up for Saturday and Sunday is here: