Hello! Well, We made it! I’m glad we’re through to the next chapter. Let’s all hang on tight, look after each other and perhaps we can lighten our days with a little creativity now and again.
First, I would like to to say a sincere thank you for supporting Scribble & Smudge throughout 2020. I do not underestimate your warmth. A big shout out to all those strangers and friends who contributed sharing their amazing art activities of projects we posted online #scribbleathome. The most important thing is to enjoy in your own way how to create with your child. If it’s just cutting or sticking then make that stick, tack, tear, rip or hollow out in many different ways. If its drawing or painting make that mark smell, taste and look like your little ones story. What I’m trying to say is, its about the process. All of the projects I post do not need to be all singing and dancing, or, expensive, they are just windows into discovering something that could be enjoyable for you, or your child/ren. I hope there are enough possibilities to pick from our past posts and in the near future.
So without much ado here are some things you can join in with for FREE this month:
January 10th , Walthamstow Wassail.
A fun FREE event for adults learning Wassail songs and for families to create a wassail drink and join in with bringing good cheer to our neighbours. Traditional songs sung on the 12th night will be on zoom this year.
The family craft activity:
Make a Wassail drink recipe to stew your carvings. Tools needed and the recipe can be found here: https://www.scribbleandsmudge.com/new-events/2021/1/10/walthamstow-wassail-2021-apple-carving-for-wassail-drink. A fun activity for all ages, children will need supervision to take part in the activity.
How to make Wassail faces carved from apple is in an instructional video below.
The ticket link to join the festivities of the Walthamstow Wassail is also below. The event is 3 til 4pm. festivities include you drinking your Wassail drink with friends and song. Waes hael!
Join for further information from director Lucy can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/432904136767441
January 14th Creative Kids online
Free under 5’s workshop in collaboration with The William Morris Gallery. Make a Fairy tale crown inspired by the Burne jones tiles of Cinderella. See events: https://www.scribbleandsmudge.com/new-events/2021/1/14/fairy-tale-crowns-for-cinderella-and-the-prince-on-creative-kids-online-with-wmgallery
Mobile Toy Library
My second home, delivering toys and crafts for Walthamstow Toy Library is open this January.
See the catalogue of types of toys you might want to loan here. If you'd like to borrow toys contact Helen for their availability via email. You can hire toys for as little as £1 for 3 weeks. Children’s books and parenting books are free. You can even hire a crate to take them all away!
If you have overdue items, you can renew by calling 020 8509 3401 or emailing e17toylibrarymanager@gmail.com, otherwise there is a £1 charge.
One other thing, please sign the petition to help stop the Toy Library's eviction from its premises.
http://chng.it/4tz27pqvGt #SaveWalthamstowToyLibrary
Thankyou in advance.
January 9th 2021, 11 til 11.30 a.m
A reading of "The Bumblebear" written by Nadia Shireen and a live demonstration on how you can become the bumblebear yourself by fellow Scribble and Smudger Akiko for you to follow at home. A FREE ticketed event see: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-bumblebear-craft-event-live-tickets-134640436169
To become a bumblebear - you will need the following bits and bobs:
2 large paper plates (20cm across is a nice size) (available from supermarkets or craft stores)
Yellow and black paper (tissue paper works well , brown also works - anything bee coloured is best)
2 craft pompoms
2 craft pipe cleaners
Glue (stick or PVA - we used a glue stick as it is less messy)
A few things I think you can make or do :
For little ones :
Early years learning at home resources on bite size: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zks4kmn
Teens google:
Arts and culture interactives https://artsandculture.google.com/
All the family:
Fitness: PE with Joe Wickes starts Monday 11th January streaming live, then every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m: His You tube channel here.
@weareparable posts on instagram. 2021 foreword of upcoming new films ( not sure family films being made out there as yet, but a comprehensive list can be found). For a family film Disney + subscribers can see ‘Soul’ a Pixar animation. Beautifully crafted from a visual point of you and a cerebral massage from a story point of view. We enjoyed it and and think most families will do too. See https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/soul_2020
Masking tape cat on a sofa
Creative Activities:
Revisit some of the #scribbleathome activities from last year. All activities that you can create with things you’ll have in your home. A few ideas with the humble masking tape here: https://www.scribbleandsmudge.com/scribbleandsmudge/2020/4/20/room-transformation-part-2-masking-tape-drawings-interaction-3d-and-play
Thank you for getting me through 2020:
Kevin @kin_design, fellows and steadfast champions and friends Akiko and Vanessa. Teanne @weareparable my rock, Walthamstow Toy Library, Virtual culture team, @image17photography, Suzie cakes, #stowfilmlounge Nick and Mark, Lucy R fellow artist and educator , @e17arttrail Laura and Morag keeping up culture and arts in our area, Lara Deffense at The Barbican for adventure, Groundswells arts for new ventures, photographer @JackBarnes for his charity, @carolynabbotttextilest, @Elliemadethis, Akmar, Sue W, , Ama, Tony, Olly, Layla, Milo, Ella, Elliott, My big wholesome family scattered across Berkshire, London, the West indies and West Africa, Vanessa, The Italy crew ( you know who you are), Lidz, mum, Sean Rodriguez, @NaturalVoices. The birth of #trueplaques. The volunteers Caroline, Sue and Helen, Janet the kindness of Creative Kids followers all of you are awesome, I hear you carry creativity with you even when you go to school. To all who have enjoyed taking part in Scribble & Smudge A heartfelt Thank you! Wishing you all health and happiness into 2021 and beyond.
I’ve added a nice moment of 2020 below. My daughter as Audrey 2 in a college play. Didn’t know she had the gumption to be an evil plant!