Walthamstow Garden Party, July 15th and 16th 2017

We are looking forward to taking part in this years Garden party. Scribble and Smudge are in two areas, 'Everyone's a spinner baby'  will be in a tent nearby The William Morris Garden, just passed the Useful and Beautiful Marquee to the left of The William Morris Gallery.  Also with our friends The Stow Film Lounge, with a Zoetrope workshop, at The Winns Gallery, nearby the children's playground.

 'Everyones a spinner baby' is open 12 til 5.30, Free, both days. spinning turntables to make artistic record albums.  We have taken inspiration form the greatest album cover, ever, yes I said it, Sgt Pepper's lonely Hearts Club Band made by the gracious Peter Blake. Peter Blake taught in our local  Walthamstow art school in the 1960's.

I have a pile of Vinyl records to decorate and give away. Thanks to the wonderful Gary Dennis at Crazy Beat records. I am eternally grateful for his kindness. We hope when you come to our workshop you will enjoy the vinyl as much as we have.

Zoetrope workshop is open  1 til 3 pm, Free, both days. make your strip of animation and watch how your drawings come to life on a zoetrope. The Stow film Lounge are celebrating 'KIds on film' throughout the Festival. see here for details of all other film activities. http://www.stowfilmlounge.com/?p=1679

 NEWS FLASH! The line up for Saturday and Sunday is here:

