Summer art projects with kids 3 to 8 years old

Scribble and smudge were busy over the summer with producing workshops for Playschemes at Church Hill nursery and Low Hall nursery. We usually create something with them to extend further play. This year we made lollipops and vehicles. These would be good to replicate at home,  just simple materials around the house , paper plates, boxes, kitchen roll, and you're off.
The lollipops fired imaginative flavours, they talked about who to share their lollies with and also to play shops. Colours were layered, asking them as they went along what would that taste like? we used spinning techniques to make the swirls. Look how scrumptious they are. A good craft for a rainy day.

The following workshops we made vehicles with the playschemers, from cardboard boxes, kitchen rolls, with dowels, bobbins and mdf wheels. We asked them what would they like to travel in and they came up with all sorts of ideas, fantasy, real, vehicles to go somewhere or to take their toys in. Cars that were fast, cars that could race their friends and cars that looked "old". This workshop was good for a sunny day outdoors the cars, trains and automobiles were robust enough to race in the garden. Enjoy the photos.