February newsletter

Hello on this cold snowy February, Hope you are all doing well?

This month Scribble&Smudge officially becomes a teen! 13 years of creative workshops in and around London. Thank you to everyone who has ever supported us, joining our workshops and for everyone who has worked in front and behind the scenes to make our little business grow.


This month: Thursday 11th February: Creative Kids joins the #thegreatbigexhibiton. Making art in our windows as part of a national project to bring art galleries to our front gardens, balconies and homes. We are participating with the theme of animals taking inspiration from a stain glass artist of the Arts and crafts movement Christopher Whall. A Free online window art workshop for under fives with The William Morris Gallery. Details of how to join are here: https://www.scribbleandsmudge.com/new-events/creativekidswindowart


The #thegreatbigartexhibition runs on two weekly themes. we are joining the animal theme. Here’s Anthony Gormley explaining on BBC News the project here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-55831841


Things to do:

Chinese New Year Friday 12th: Celebrate the year of the OX, explore The Museum of London’s virtual workshops. All ages.

Pancake day Tuesday Feb 16th: Don’t forget to get your ingredients ready and have some flippin’ fun. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/easy-pancakes

Walthamstow Toy Library is still open. Only for Click and collect toys or on the mobile toy loaning service see on face book or instagram for latest updates and news. Toys for under 7’s. https://www.instagram.com/walthamstowtoylibrary/

We are here , the Windrush exhibition is still running, see online here: https://weareherewf.org/family-days-events/

Talks from artists and writers at the South Bank through to April this year at the Inside out Festival: https://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/whats-on/festivals-series/inside-out . young adults and up .

Theatre, Free digital story telling of Grimm fairy tales: by the UNicorn Theatre https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfRny0NepZ01dVt_G90tlIz-pFVtmVNFq Ages 8 to 12.

As part of story telling week, the cinderella crown making activity has been uploaded on The William Morris site: https://www.wmgallery.org.uk/learning/learning-at-home

Some highlights below from this year. Who would have thought it that In March 2020 we would have to think about sharing how to create online. Well, Here are our responses. It was challenging and at the same time very rewarding. Using our skills to help families across Waltham Forest at home, through food banks and created new friendships and ways of working with amazing organisations and artists alike.

July Newsletter

Creative Kids @WMGallery, Letter writing on typewriters for Grandad’s Island at #WalthamstowGardenParty and a creepy crawly bug workshop at The Mill. Things to do locally, Village festival and a R.A.P party with Inua Ellams and art at Vestry House Museum. Out and about Turning tides festival in Greenwich, @NationalTheatre River stage festival, reminder for Kids week tickets

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