'Red white and blue re arranged by you' at Sky, art50 exhibition

We were invited to Sky central to recreate the flag interactive at Sky, part of the skyart50 exhibition. A project that explores the question What does it mean to be British post-Brexit? Sky Arts joined forces with the likes of Barbican and Sage Gateshead to find out. The exhibition included work by an Argetntinian-Brit Matthew Delorenzi-Waters who made a film about veterans of the Falklands wars on both sides of the story. https://en-gb.facebook.com/Lifeat100knots/

Thank you to all at Sky who welcomed us and to those who took part in our workshop. They created a diaspora of Brit’ish’ flags.

#Art50 episodes can be seen on catch up See : http://www.skyartsart50.tv/

Enjoy the photos of the flags made at the workshop below:
