walthamstow wassail 2016 photos and videos

Thankyou to Lucy Gibson for organising this year's Wassail. Thankyou to everyone, who took part in the Walthamstow Wassail 2016. The Mari Lwyd was a galloping success! 

 The horse was loved so much, I believe the Horse will be wandering around the Ferry Boat inn this weekend, to wassail once more. Well done all my little artists who came along to make such a wonderfully majestic horse.

I will recover the rosettes and leave them in the Vestry House Museum next week for collection, from 20th January.

A big thankyou to Rachel, who rode the horse so well for the Family Wassail. Peter and another young Lady ( apologies I didn't catch her name) rode The Mari Lyd in the evening to all the way to Ye Olde Rose and Crowne pub. Thankyou to Vanessa for helping make this horse.

More photos will be posted on the Walthamstow Wassail! face book group from the evenings shenanigans.

Enjoy the Family Wassail photos below.

 This is the Mari Lywd horse to be decorated for the procession. 

Making rosettes for the Mari Lwyd Horse. They were wonderful!

Placing the rosettes onto the costume

 Out the The Vestry House Museum garden to Wassail the Apple tree.

  Wass Hail!

 The apple tree has a little piece of Wassail toast placed on the branch.

Lucy leads the procession starts through Walthamstow Village

  Wassail to the Mulberry tree

 Toast for the robins to bring good luck to the Mulberry tree. The oldest tree on Eden Grove.

 click videos below: https://youtu.be/byvoYfyhdbw

Hats full, caps full, three bushel bags full; Barn floors full and a little heap under the stairs

Wassail through the village