Marvelous May

I have neglected my blog... So here goes what I am up to...

Creative kids last week at The Willam Morris Gallery that went well. We made sweet rhythmic music with our own version of a Shekere  last Thursday. The kids made a ( pseudo) Adire print and put it round a bottle shaker to link into the Lucille Junkere show in the discovery lounge. I think the cowrie shells make it look beautiful and authentically African. No blues for us, just sweet highlife music!

Listen here:


I am supposed to making a load more rosettes for This Wednesday, instead of writing this blog. Another late night for me... Looking forward to our celebration ceremony this weds at Whitefield's school. All the participants, their friends and family will see a short film of them creating Sporting games and trophies.

Sport'ability' Rosettes

If you got my  May newsletter  you will know Scribble and Smudge will be at The Kids Film Lounge this saturday 23rd May. If you didnt... We will be making a fun animation in the spirit of lego creativity, from 10.30 a.m.
Bring your creations if you wish or sit and make your own. Everything will be awesome! ( I may not have larger duplo lego to use,  but am seeing what I can do).

For details and tickets see: