The Wathamstow Wassail 2012

Here are some photos from Saturday's lantern wassail parade.
A frenzy of lantern making was followed by a beautiful night lit parade along Orford rd, to The Village square on Eden rd and ended at Wingfield Park.
 My Oscar speech: I would like to thank in no particular order
 Lucy for reviving this great tradition and asking me to join her, Lucy's mum and dad, Peter, Rhian, The Vestry House Museum for believing in us and letting us have the hall Gratis, Kevster, My family, The Friend's of Wingfield Park, The adult Wassailers coming to my home on Sunday and blessing my cherry tree, The Olde Rose and Crown, ( the choir atbthe rose and crown thankyou Becky) Sooze and Helen for opening up their Beehive and being so welcoming, support from Voluntary action  Cris in particular, all those that handed out my leaflets( Carolyn and Suzy), Nick from Screen 17 and last but surely not least All You good Walthamstoweites that came to support us. Happy New Year! Please forgive me for not mentioning you all by name.
Lesley Enjoy the photos we were on line in the Waltham forest Guardian. Hopefully published this Thursday.


Iron giant costumes and Wassail reminder

Our Majestic Iron giants. hope to see you all next saturday for matilda. See for details and ticket information:
An all new singing and dancing website will be coming soon.

Don't forget The first ever family Wassail this saturday. With me and Lucy Gibson hosting at the Vestry house museum, see my wassail link to the right.