A Few tickets left!
Be inspired by a lovely enamel by May Partridge (made around 1904) to make a special gift for mothers and carers in your family, using silver and gem pasta.
A fun session all about love for under 5’s and their carer. this month we will be creating a special craft that can be given as a gift. Materials can be collected at home a material list is below. Everyone is welcome, FREE for families in Waltham Forest, a donation is suggested on booking.
I have made a small pack of silver/gold/gem pasta that to you are welcome to add to your resources. This pack can be collected from The Gallery , details given on booking tickets. UPDATE: Last day for pick up Weds 10th only.
There are two workshops available, Morning at 11.00 a.m and repeated in the afternoon at 1pm. A 45 min session. We’d love to see you there.
You will need to collect the following resources below to make your Pasta necklace and pendant. download a pdf of the materials list here:
Image of May Partridge enamel C.1904
Pasta on string or ribbon