Scribble and Smudge is 15 years old!

15 years has flown by ! We are very grateful and thankful to people and the organisations that have championed, supported and have taken part in the workshops that we have created. it has been a lot of fun. You wouldn’t believe how many parents tell us about the crafts their kids made at our workshops years and years ago and have KEPT THEM!
Making and creating is such an important gift to share with children, we are allowing them to use their imagination and play. If the work created can instigate further play, or just gives them sheer joy in the process of using materials provided then its a win win! We have learnt to try and record the work made by our little crafters over the years so that you can look back at them too. Thankyou to every single person, organisation and friends who have supported with kindness, encouragement and their time THANK YOU. Here’s what we’ve been up to over the last 15 years. Enjoy!