Scribble and Smudge will be taking part in activities for Grandad’s island at the wonderful #WalthamstowGardenParty.
Located at the Story lounge on Fellowship Island will be activities in which you can hear to take part and hear about Grandad’s Island. A project that will run until mid October and invites you to come along as a family, school or individual to create your own ideas for the project.
Scribble and Smudge will be creating a letter writing activity for all ages to write on typewriters to their loved ones and send them ‘Par Oiseaux’.
Sit with your little ones and share how to type on a typewriter, draw and write letters that can be flown by bird to an imaginary land, a real person, friend or, pet.
Many more activities happen across the weekend, including parades, Song shanties, story telling, boat crafting and bird puppetry to name a few things.
All information about the Story lounge area and how to be involved with the project can be found here:
More information about Walthamstow Garden Party can be found here: #WFculture19
Facebook event Grandad’s Island:
Facebook event for Walthamstow Garden Party: